The low down on why we have ear wax, why you might have too much and how we help you
Why does ear wax exist?
Ear wax is a natural and healthy substance that is made in the outer third of your ear canal. Everyone has it. Its main function is to protect the ear from dust, dirt, bacteria, and fungi. Your ear is self-cleaning and through chewing, talking, and swallowing the ear wax is normally expelled out of the ear canal. Your ears can become impacted with ear wax when something stops this process from occurring or impedes the natural progression.
Why Me?
It is generally luck of the draw as to who develops excessive ear wax that blocks the ear canal. People who are affected may have small or oddly shaped ear canals, they may consistently put things in their ears and push their ear wax in deeper, and as people age their ear wax can become harder and drier and less likely to migrate out of the ear canal.
How can microsuction help?
If a build-up of ear wax is impacting your life and causing problems, then there is a simple and effective fix. Ear Micro-suctioning is considered the gold standard of ear wax removal and takes around 15 minutes using small, specialised tools. The frequency for this procedure is unique to everyone but most people that need it only need it once a year. Your nurse will be able to assess this for you and recommend a follow up timeframe at your appointment.